Saturday, May 7, 2011

Never thought I'd do that...

Today that phrase has been a constant echo in my head...

"I'm graduating with a nursing degree...never thought I'd do that..."
"I get to work on a reservation in South Dakota this summer...never thought I'd do that..."
"I'm moving to Uganda in September...never thought I'd do that..."

I know the list is longer, but who wants to hear all that?  I look back at my life a year ago and things looked very different.  My life was "normal," "acceptable," and seemed all right to me.  God loves me so infinitely, immeasurably much that he decided to wreck all my worldly plans.  I have never felt so vulnerable or free in my entire life.  I have never felt so out of place in a world that's not my home, and I love it.

I also never thought I'd be starting a blog.  I am excited to write about what God is doing in little towns around the U.S. as well as the streets of Uganda (when I get there).  After all, these fields are found everywhere and when we find them, and really see what we are being offered, we don't just put it to the side and get to it later.  We don't wait to get older, or wait for a more convenient time... we sell everything and buy that field where the treasure is hidden.

  At some point you will probably look back and say- "I never thought I would do such a thing."  The cool part about that phrase is...nope, you probably wouldn't, but Jesus would, and I'm excited about adventures that aren't my own.

"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field.  When a man found it, he hid it again, and then IN HIS JOY went and sold all he had and bought that field."  Matthew 13:44


  1. Katie Cartwright...I'm so stinking proud of you and who you've been become and are becoming! I know I haven't seen you in a while, but Andrea keeps me up to speed. I love you!!!

  2. Katie your post was amazing :) your gonna do so many more great things with your life!! Be safe and keep us all updated i am proud to know you and to have graduated with you!! You are gonna be an AWESOME Nurse :)

  3. Katie, I'm SO glad you've started a blog and will allow us to tag along in your adventures and journey. I have no doubt that you will do marvelous work and touch the lives of so many, not only through your efforts wherever you go, but also by sharing through this blog. I am so excited to be able to keep up with it!

  4. Katie-
    Your pretty much one amazing person!! I feel so honored to know you and graduate with you!! Keep changing the world and spreading HIS WORD!!! I am very proud of you! Love you!!
