Saturday, December 3, 2011


Well, like most things that have happened since we got to Uganda 2 words are good at summing it all up: Random & Unexpected.  Yup.  Let's start with a few main points...

1.  I taught a sex education course to teachers from 7 different schools throughout Uganda.  Went pretty well.  The best section was most definitely the "Myths" about contraception and pregnancy.  Fact: the only 100% way to remain baby free is ABSTINENCE.  Myth:  Jumping up and down, standing on your head, or bathing will not prevent pregnancy.  Fact:  Drinking laundry detergent will not only terminate a pregnancy, it may terminate you as well.

When did I realize that 4 years of collegiate education pay off?  When I made this statement:  "Yes, sperm is very sneaky."

2.  I'm pretty sure my heart will always skip a beat when someone yells- "Nurse!  We need you! There has been an accident!"  I guess it is suppose to.

3.  I don't pull teeth out.  No matter how hard you ask me.  I haven't got there yet.  Maybe soon.

4.  Best investment as of yet- Liquid anti-bacterial soap.  Go wash it off.  I say it in a very loving way.

5.  Scrub pants are cumfy.  I wear them even when it doesn't call for it.


  1. Do you want me to send some Red Cross clove oil?

  2. Hey Katie, I'm praying for you and Mallory and your illnesses. I pray Mallory's malaria is better and that you are feeling better. I love your blog and the work you all are doing! The Lord is blessing you in unimaginable ways. Sorry it has taken me so long to contact you. Christmas is almost here and we miss you and Andrew. Keep up the Lord's work! I'lll never forget you noticing my different crosses.
    yours in Christ,
    Brother Phillip at WHFUMC
